Author Archives: Ely Archers

Cambridgeshire County Wins

On the weekend of the 15th and 16th June 2024 Peacock Archers held their annual World Archery weekend. This year saw a venue change, where we moved to a very nice field on the site of the Jolly Archers (but not on the normal Jolly Archers field).

Saturday saw World Archery distances of 70m for recurve and longbow and 50m for barebow and compound. A single 72 arrow qualifying round was shot before lunch with the head to heads happening after lunch. The morning was breezy but the wind really picked up in the afternoon. Unfortunately Jordan, Daniel and Pete went out in the first round, although Pete put up a fight and took his match all the way to a single arrow ‘closest to the centre’ shoot off. A memorable day, if not for the torrential thunder, lightning and hail storm that we had during shooting.

Sunday was a double WA 720 round incorporating the Cambridgeshire Outdoor County Shoot. There were many varied distances including 70m, 60m, 50m and shorter distances for the juniors. Overall a busier day than the Saturday (maybe because of more distances on offer), Paul was shooting 70m, with Daniel and Jordan on 50m. A lot better day weather wise and in the end Ely Archers came away with 2 medals in the County shoot:

2nd Cambs County Mens Barebow – Daniel
3rd Cambs County Mens Recurve – Paul

WA Weekend Saturday Rain and Hail

WA Weekend Saturday Rain and Hail

Indoor Season 2023 – 2024 Winners

There were 3 trophies handed out at the end of the indoor season for 2023/2024. The handicap Portsmouth club competition, Friday night Vegas trophy, and the Friday night Bray league trophy.

Portsmouth Handicap Trophy Winner: Rob Edson
Friday Night Vegas Winner: Sian Evans
Friday Night Bray League Winner: Jane Gamble

On the final Sunday indoors we shot a fun head to head Hit ‘n Miss competition. The finalists were Noam (R) and Sean (C) vs Daniel (C) and Matthew (BB). Daniel and Matthew started the day shooting against Noam and Sean and lost their match, but Daniel and Matthew met them again the final and were victorious on the second occasion.

Rob Portsmouth Winner 2024

Indoor County Shoot 2024 – Longbow County Champs

Deborah, Pip, Pete, Simon, Daniel, Paul and Chris all shot at the Cambridgeshire County Indoor Championships on Sunday 11th February 2024 at One Leisure, St. Ives. The Open Portsmouth shoot is run by Jolly Archers and incorporates the Cambridgeshire Archery Association (CAA) Indoor Championships.

This was the second year the shoot was UK Record Status so this meant official bow inspections and new this year a timer system.

Overall, a brilliant result for the club with lots of medals, last year it was nearly all barebow wins, this year lots of wins from the new longbow camp.

Here are the results from both the Jolly Archers shoot and the incorporated Cambridgeshire Indoor County results:

County Shoot Results

  • County Champion Mens Longbow – Pete
  • 2nd Mens Longbow – Simon
  • 2nd Team Barebow – Pip, Chris and Daniel
  • 3rd Mens Recurve – Paul

Jolly Archers Open Portsmouth Results

Single Rounds

  • 1st Mens Longbow – Pete
  • 2nd Mens Longbow – Simon
  • 1st Team Longbow – Pete and Simon
  • 2nd Team Barebow – Pip and Chris

Double Rounds

  • 3rd Mens Recurve – Paul

Full Results

Jolly Archers Open Portsmouth 2024 Results

CAA Indoor Championship 2024 Results

Christmas Shoot Results 2023

Thank you to everyone for coming and shooting today, we hope you enjoyed yourselves.

The last shoot for the year is Friday 22nd December. We are back on Friday 5th January 2024 and then the annual outdoor 30m Frostbite on Saturday 6th January 2024!

Here are the scores for the Christmas shoot:

If your scores are not displayed, we didn’t get your score sheet.



Portsmouth 2023 Results

Thank you to everyone who attended our 14th annual Portsmouth competition on Saturday 18th November 2023. 21 members of the club shot on the day, and it was great to see a lot of Ely Archers shooting shirts on the line in the first session.

In the end you all raised £230 for the local charity Branching Out who are based in Littleport from the sale of the raffle tickets. Thanks to those who looked after the raffle and cake table during the day and of course all of you who supplied raffle prizes.

Thank you to all the club member volunteers who helped set up the sports hall the night before. Thank you to those who then took the targets and stands back again on the Saturday evening and all those who helped on the day, we couldn’t do it without you.

Now for some results, and there were lots of medals for Ely Archers:

Single round results:

Junior Mens Barebow (Winner) – Jake Grossman
Womens 50+ Recurve (Winner) – Louise Tapp
Mens Longbow (Winner) – Ian Forrest
Womens 50+ Recurve (2nd Place) – Jane Gamble
Womens Barebow (3rd Place) – Caroline Carsky
Womens Recurve (3rd Place) – Deborah Barker
Mens Longbow (3rd Place) – Julian Moynihan

Double round results:

Womens 50+ Recurve (Winner) – Louise Tapp
Junior Mens Barebow (Winner) – Jake Grossman
Womens Barebow (Winner) – Caroline Carsky
Womens Recurve (Winner) – Deborah Barker
Mens Recurve (2nd Place) – Paul Beck
Mens 50+ Barebow (3rd Place) – Chris Willett
Mens Compound (3rd Place) – Jordan Richards
Mens 50+ Recurve (3rd Place) – Simon Gamble

Team recurve results:

Ely Archers Recurve Team 3rd Place – Paul Beck, Louise Tapp and Deborah Barker

The full results can be found here: