Author Archives: Ely Archers

Ely Archers in Waitrose

Ely Archers are part of the Waitrose Green Coin community matters this month (May 2019) in the Ely store.

When you shop in Waitrose Ely you’ll be given a plastic green coin, if not you can ask for one! Near the exit are 3 green coin bins, where you can vote for your favourite community group – us!

At the end of the month Waitrose split £1,000 between the 3 groups depending on how many coins are in each bin.

Please put your green coins into our bin. We are saving up for a new trolley to carry our heavy field targets. Thank you!

Ely Archers Waitrose 2019

Ian Wins Portsmouth Indoor Handicap

Ian Forrest won the end of season indoor handicap shoot in 2019. We always shoot a Portsmouth round at the end of the season shoot.

Ian shot the round with his American Flatbow and scored 407 which gave him a handicap adjusted winning score of 1449.

Ian now holds both the outdoor handicap end of season trophy and the indoor end of season handicap trophy! Well done Ian.

Ian is pictured with the indoor handicap trophy and certificate.

Ian Wins End of Season Indoor Shoot 2019

Steve Wins Friday Night Bray League

Steven Johnson is the first winner of the 2018/19 Friday Night Bray League at Ely Archers.

The Bray league is shot on a Friday night indoors only, and consists of shooting 30 arrows at a 40cm target face. The round is handicap based and each entrant must submit at least 5 scores, with the top 5 scores being used.

Steve shot a total of 6 rounds and finished the season with a top 5 adjusted handicap score of 7,575. All of his top 5 scores he submitted were above his current handicap for that week.

Steve is pictured with the new Bray trophy and winners certificate.

Well done Steve.

A full list of results are available on the Friday Night Bray League results page.

Steve Wins 2019 Bray League


18 Medals at County Champs Shoot

Ely Archers managed to collect a total of 18 medals and 3 trophies at the annual Jolly Archers competition at St. Ives on Sunday 10th February 2019. This shoot incorporates the Cambridgeshire County Champs indoor shoot. This year we had a record number of 7 Ely Archers in attendance (unfortunately, illness kept Maggie and Mike Bradford away) and 5 archers came away with at least one medal.

I don’t think anyone scored a Portsmouth personal best, and most, if not all scored well below their personal bests. Although one good thing was that this year the One Leisure main hall didn’t seem as cold as previous years.

The big winners were Harry who was crowned junior gents recurve county champion and Malcolm is gents barebow county champion for 2019. This was the first time Malcolm had ever attended the competition and it was only his 4th ever archery competition.

Other wins for Ely included medals in the recurve and barebow team events as well as individual wins in the barebow and recurve single and double rounds for Alison, Rob, Daniel, Mel, Harry and Malcolm.

I’m sure we’ll all attend again next year, when hopefully even more Ely Archers will enter.

Winning Results

Cambridgeshire County Awards

Team Awards

  • Barebow Team Silver – Malcolm, Alison and Rob
  • Recurve Team Bronze – Harry, Mel and Daniel

Single Rounds

  • Recurve Junior Gents Gold – Harry (County Champion)
  • Barebow Gents Gold – Malcolm (County Champion)
  • Barebow Ladies Bronze – Alison

Double Rounds

  • Recurve Junior Gents Gold – Harry

Jolly Archers Shoot

Team Awards

  • Barebow Team Silver – Malcolm and Alison
  • Recurve Team Bronze – Harry, Mel and Daniel

Single Rounds

  • Recurve Junior Gents Gold – Harry
  • Barebow Gents Bronze – Malcolm

Double Rounds

  • Recurve Junior Gents Gold – Harry