Author Archives: Ely Archers

Friday Night Bray League has begun

friday night bray league

The Friday Night Bray League has begun with 10 people shooting it on Friday 19th October 2018. There was even a club record broken shot by Maggie on her barebow. You can join in the league every Friday night, although it is optional of course. We are taking the top 5 handicap scores of the season, so record 5 scores or as many as you can, we’ll pick your Top 5 for the end of the season where someone will take home the new Bray League Trophy for 12 months.

Friday Night Bray League Rules

Friday Night Bray League Results

Week 1 Results

Medals Won at Parkfield Shoot

Parkfield/CAA End of Season Handicap Western Shoot

On Sunday 7th October seven Ely Archers made the short trip to the Parkfield/CAA end of season shoot at Wimblington. For early October it was a perfect day with hardly no wind and sunshine.

Most of us chose to shoot the Western round (60 and 50 yards) although a Long Western was on offer (80 and 60 yards). Iain Snare preferred the Short Western which was (50 and 40 yards). The first longer distance was shot before lunch and it gave Mel and Daniel their 252 scores for 60 yards. After an hour for lunch we shot the 2nd shorter distance.

There was one arrow fatality with Daniel’s ACE arrow being hit dead centre from behind (it didn’t survive, see image below) whilst the other arrow that hit it was found on the floor perfectly OK.

As this was a handicap round there was no knowing of who had won any medals until the results were read out, but Team Ely did OK.

Mel shot really well and claimed a new Western club record (beating the record Daniel set the week earlier at club) with a score of 764 and a 252 60 yard club record of 280.

Louise also shot a brilliant score of 686 (a 1st class score) and new club record.

Iain Snare scored 535 and this was also a new Short Western club record.

Ely Archers Medal Results

Louise Tapp – Silver (Ladies Recurve)

Mike Williamson – Silver (Gents Recurve)

Rob Edson – Silver (Gents Barebow)

Parkfield Team Award and CAA Team Award – Silver (Mel Tang Richardson, Mike Williamson, Louise Tapp and Rob Edson)

Overall Scores

Daniel Coe Recurve Western 692
Iain Snare Recurve Short Western 535
Ian Chapman Recurve Western 556
Louise Tapp Recurve Western 686
Mel Tang-Richardson Recurve Western 764
Mike Williamson Recurve Western 654
Rob Edson Barebow Western 433

Ely Archers Winners Louise and Rob Iain Snare Broken Arrow

Daniel claims Rose Award at Jolly Archers

Daniel and Mel both attended the Autumn shoot at the Jolly Archer’s on Sunday 16th September. Both archers chose the hardest round of the day – the York round. This consists of shooting 72 arrows at 100 yards, then 46 at 80 yards and 24 at 60 yards. So that’s 144 arrows in total plus sighters. The ends were shot 3 arrows at a time then you swapped and then shot another 3. So it was a full day of shooting.

It was a warm day with the odd light shower and an average amount of wind, a lot less wind than was expected.

Mel finished with a score of 692. Daniel score 814 and came 4th in the York recurve gents category out of 9 archers. As Daniel had shot an age appropriate round and scored over 800 he got to claim an Archery GB White Rose Award which comes direct from Archery GB.

End of Season Club Shoot

It was an all male affair on Sunday 9th September 2018 at the End of Season handicap club shoot. We shot a range of different National rounds. It was quite a windy morning with Ian Forrest managing to dislodge the flag on his target and break it.

The winner will be announced on the first indoor Friday 5th October when the new trophy and a certificate will be presented to the winner.

The winner gets to keep the trophy for the year and their name is placed onto our club winners page

Flag floored!

Ian Forrest and his broken flag

Ian Forrest and his broken flag