Author Archives: Ely Archers

CAA End of Season Shoot

On Saturday 30th September 2017 Mel and Daniel attended the CAA end of season handicap shoot in Cambridge.

The shoot was totally free to attend and open to just Cambridgeshire based clubs. The rounds available were Long Metric rounds. Daniel and Mel both shot a Long Metric I which is 70m and 60m.

Most Cambridgeshire clubs were represented, bar about 3 clubs. This meant just under 50 archers attended. Plus the weather was kind and the Sun warm on their backs. The field used is on a rugby pitch near Addenbrooke’s hospital and you have a nice view of trains running behind the field.

In the end Daniel came 9th out of 39 seniors with a score of 529 and Mel came 17th with a score of 458.

If the shoot wasn’t handicapped Daniel would have won the Gents recurve Long Metric I. That’s handicap shoots for you!

Clout Day 2017

We managed to lay out 3 distances today and even put out for the 1st time a 180 yard distance which did seem an awful long way away. Although Daniel and Mike Thorley did find themselves shooting around 220 yards in the first end of sighters and over shooting. It took most us about 3 or 4 ends to work out where to aim.

Daniel won the 180yds with 61 points with Mike Thorley coming second with 45.

John won the 140yd distance with 39 (although officially the 140yds is Ladies only, so really Mary won with 29 points).

Laura and Caleb drew on the 100 yards with 11 points each (although Laura did get 1 more hit than Caleb).

Harry regains JMB

Well done to Harry Tapp who re-gained his Junior Master Bowman classification (now as Gents U16) after scoring two more JMB scores at the Junior National Outdoor Championships (JNOC) at Lilleshall on the weekend of 1st/2nd July 2017.

Harry shot in a Metric II on the Saturday scoring 1194 and coming 16th in his group of 35.
Harry then shot a Bristol II on the Sunday and scored 1146 and came 12th out of 36 in his group.

Well done Harry.