Author Archives: Ely Archers

Field Archery Day 2017

We decided to set up our first field archery day on Sunday 2nd July 2017. We decided to have printed animal targets on both Danage stands, small floor ‘have-a-go’ foam bosses and a small layered foam target on the floor.

As the targets weren’t up to much and to make it fair we all had to use beginners training bows and arrows, and shoot them as barebows.

We shot at 8 targets, one even had you standing on a levelled tree stump. Our scoring round gave you 2 points for a direct kill shot and 1 point for hitting the animal. Overall the maximum score was 96.

Ian 52
Malcolm 51
Rob 48
Alison 47
Dan 46
Karl 43
Mel 36
Mike W. 36
Joshua 29
Mary 28
Emily 23
Alban 21
Bart 18

Medals were handed out the top 3 archers. Alison, Mary and Emily for ladies and Ian, Malcolm and Rob for the gents.

View all the images here:

Field Archery

Field Archery

Field Archery

Field Archery

Field Archery

Field Archery

Shooting News June 18th 2017

Due to the amazing hot weather this week we shot from the shady end of the field. It made a nice change, as it was close to the container for pulling out the targets and you were not facing the sun, plus an added bonus was seeing some nice long arrow shadows on the target.

On Sunday Mel shot a new gents recurve club record WA 60m scoring 441 on his recurve bow. Daniel scored 440 shooting a Long National, that was his 3rd 1st Class score, so he now obtains his 1st Class badge. Rob scored a new PB shooting a National round with a score of 327 on his barebow.

Onto the 252 rounds and Alban shot 254 at 30 yards last week, so he needs one more 252 score to get his 30 yard badge. Steve has now shot two 252 scores at 30 yards. Alison has shot two >=189 scores at 20 yards. Emily already has her 20 yard badge but has now put in one score >=189 at 30 yards as well. Daniel managed his first 252 score at 60 yards on his recurve scoring exactly 252. Mary has the ladies barebow 252 @ 50 yards record with a score of 202. Whilst Maggie has now scored two >= 189 scores @ 50 yards on her barebow – so a 50yd 252 badge for you – well done!

Outdoor shooting June 2017

Ely Archers at Waitrose

Ely Archers have been included in the Waitrose Community Matters in June 2017.

When you shop in Waitrose Ely you’ll be given a plastic green coin. Near the exit are 3 green coin bins, where you can vote for your favourite community group.

At the end of the month Waitrose split £1,000 between the 3 groups depending on how many coins are in each bin.

So please vote for Ely Archers in June! We are raising money for some new target bosses and some more beginners equipment.

UPDATE August 2017: Thank you to everyone at Waitrose Ely and its customers for raising a total of £198 for Ely Archers.

Vote for Ely Archers in June 2017 at Waitrose Ely - Community Matters

Hot Sunday Scores

We had a good turn out on Sunday with little wind and hot weather and all 8 targets being used.

Mel shot a Warwick (60 and 50 yards) on his recurve and scored 277 which gives him his third 3rd class score, a badge is coming your way.

Ian shot a Short National round (50 and 40 yards) on his recurve and shot a new club record with 507 scored.

Bart scored exactly what he needed – 189 on his barebow in the 252 round at 50 yards – so one more of those scores and above and you can have your 252 50yd badge.

Emily shot 233 on her barebow in the 252 – 20yards round, so this second score now gives her the 20yds 252 badge.

Despite a couple of misses at 80 yards Daniel still managed to score 418 which is exactly what he needed for his second 1st Class score.

Daniel also thought he had lost his arrow at 60 yards as it was nowhere to be found, as most of it went straight through and was hanging out the back.

Arrow through the target

Well done everyone.