Author Archives: Ely Archers

Vegas Gamble Pays Off

Today’s Vegas certainly paid dividends for Ian Chapman who broke his own club record on his recurve with a score of 522, this is also his first ‘C’ class score – well done Ian.

Ian Vegas 522

Joshua Chapman also scored a new club record with a score of 240 on his recurve (Gents U18).

Mel has now submitted his first 3 scores and has earnt his ‘E’ badge today. Although he has 2 ‘D’ class scores, so we are expecting 1 more for the ‘D’ badge in the coming weeks.

Lots of personal bests again today (again some by default). Personal Bests for Eric, Daniel, Mel, Ian, Joshua, Mary and Steven.

Next Week – back to a standard Portsmouth on those massive 60cm targets!

D Badge for Trevor

Today we shot a WA18m round – some opted for 40cm targets whilst the brave opted for the triple spot faces, where your min. arrow score (on the target) is 6.

Well done to Trevor this week for (at last) completing his 3rd ‘D’ class recurve score with a club record WA18m triple spot score of 437. Trevor has managed all ‘D’ scores on his preferred triple spot target faces.

Paul Coghlan (Gents recurve) has now submitted his first 3 scores, and so has earnt himself his ‘F’ class badge. Well done.

Joshua (Gents U18 recurve) scored 238 a new club record today, whilst shooting a standard WA18m round.

Personal bests for lots of us today (some by default!). Bart, Daniel, Eric, Joshua, Malcolm, Mel, Rob, Steven, Trevor and Wojtek.

WA18m Triple Spot

Portsmouth Rounds

Today we shot a mixture of single and triple face Portsmouth targets.

Joshua came away with a PB and club record of 378 on his recurve bow. There were also personal bests for Eric (triple spot) shooting 527 and Alison on her barebow who scored 389. Newcomer Mel also scored 488 on his recurve bow. Well done everyone.

You’ll all be getting new Portsmouth badges next weekend.

Next Week – WA18m round.

Harry is County Indoor Champion

Harry is Cambridgeshire County Indoor Junior Champion…again!

Harry won the junior gents recurve title by shooting 536 in 2016, this year in 2017 Harry shot 549 to take the title.

The event was held at the 23rd Open Indoor Tournament run by Jolly Archers on Sunday 12th February.

We would like to see some more Ely Archers in attendance in 2018 – especially barebow ladies and gents as well as recurve archers from the club.

Cambridgeshire County Indoor Championship Archery Results 2017.

Valentines Shoot Results

Today we held our annual Valentines Shoot. Ian had designed and printed us some special targets based around a Worcester round shooting 5 arrows per end.

We used handicaps today to make the shooting fair. The first 3 places went to Rob, Alison and Malcolm.

Maggie shot an impressive barebow 10 10 10 end.

Well done to Trevor for getting his 2nd ‘D’ class score of 508 today whilst shooting a triple spot Portsmouth round. One more to go!

Valentines 10 10 10

Valentines 2017 Winners