Author Archives: Ely Archers

Chilly Frostbite

A chilly 1.5 degree Frostbite today with snow flurries. Even the kettle had trouble boiling!

It was colder than last time when we shot on the 1st week of January.

This didn’t stop Malcolm though beating his previous barebow club record by 10 points with a score of 237. Dennis also scored an impressive 346 on his compound.

Rob also shot 227 on his barebow a big improvement on his last Frostbite score of 171.Ian also joined us for the first time and scored 245.

One more Frostbite next month.

Frostbite February 2017

Frostbite Feb 2017 Tea Timeo

Triple Spot Portsmouth Week

Today we tried a Portsmouth with a twist – triple spot Portsmouth. So we now have 3 new club records from Maggie with a ladies barebow record of 414, Malcolm with the men’s barebow club record of 426 and Ian with the men’s recurve record of 545.

Trevor scored a solid 519 – his first ‘D’ score of this indoor season, 2 more like this please!

Personal bests for everyone else!

Pictured is Trevor’s 10 10 10 end.

Trevor 10 10 10 Portsmouth Triple Spot

Next Week

Valentines shoot – Ian has produced some special Valentines target faces for us, so we’ll shoot those and the winner can have a special prize!

The Black and White Worcester

Black and white Worcester targets today with 10 of us submitting scores. Ian had the best recurve gents score of the day and PB of 257. There were also personal bests from Bart, Harry, Malcolm, Steve and Mike Williamson.

Jordan has gained his ‘F’ badge and Steve has gained his ‘E’ indoor badge. Well done.

Next Week – Portsmouth with a twist – a standard Portsmouth but shooting on 3 spot targets.

WA 25m Results

Today we extended the shooting range and shot a WA 25m round (think Portsmouth but shooting 25m). 12 of us submitted scores today.

Maggie improved on her Ladies Barebow club record today with a score of 399. Joshua scored a new Gents U18 Recurve club record with 154.

There were also personal bests from Bart, Jordan, Malcolm, Steven, Trevor and Wojtek.

Next Week

Back to black and white targets with a Worcester round.

Bray 1 – Lots of Personal Bests

This week we shot a quick Bray I round, lots of us scored Personal Bests today – we must all be getting better!

Bart, Ian, Mike W., Daniel, Eric, Joshua, Malcolm, Steve, Trevor, Maggie.

Top recurve score of the day goes to Mike Williamson with 254 out of 300.

Frostbite Badges

If you scored 200+ at the Frostbite you should be getting a badge, most of the Frostbite badges have been handed out today, those people left to receive them are Danielle and Lukasz.

Beginner’s Limbs?

Rob is looking for some beginner’s limbs 68″ on 25″ riser, 66″ on 23″ riser, something in the 18 to 22 lb range.

Have any club members got any for sale? If you have see Rob.

Next Week

WA 25m – same as Portsmouth, just 25m instead of 20m/18 yards.