Author Archives: Ely Archers

The Breezy Half Metric

We spent a very breezy Sunday afternoon shooting a Half Metric.

Scott obtained the Ely Half Metric I record with a score of 515 – this also gives him his 1st class badge.

Simon obtained the Ely Half Metric II record with a score of 481.

Katelyn shot the Half Metric V and obtained an Ely record score of 540 which is a 1st class score.

Next Sunday (3rd July)

This is our final metric round for a while and we are shooting:

WA 70m, WA 60m or WA 50m (80cm face)

Long Metric Sunday

A fun afternoon shooting a Long Metric. Only 6 archers today but the weather never stopped us….until about 2 ends from the finish when we retired to the pavilion.

After a short break we were back out and Bart finished a Long Metric III on his barebow with a score of 357. Steve Frear scored 429 and Daniel scored 520 shooting a Long Metric II on their recurve bows.

Also well done to Harry for shooting a WA60m round at Aim4Sport on the 7th June 2016 where he scored 479. That re-gains him his Junior Bowman classification for 2016.

Target Boss from below

Short Metric Sunday

Short Metric Sunday

A great Sunday shooting our first Short Metric rounds on 80cm targets. It was nice to see all the bosses lined up in a row, it felt like a tournament!

Scott took the new Short Metric I club recurve record with a score of 536.
Bartolemiej claimed the new Short Metric I barebow record with a score of 288.
Katelyn took the new Short Metric III round record on her recurve with a score of 517.

Katelyn has also gained her 2nd Class badge!

Harry shot the new Junior 50m round and scored 414 which gave him a new club record and a Junior Bowman score.

Well done everyone.