Author Archives: Ely Archers

Saturday 21st November 2015

This was the day of our 8th Annual Portsmouth competition. Most of us shot in Session A, with Tim, Louise and Dennis shooting in more than one session. Daniel (524) managed his 3rd D score at the tournament. Tim (463) has also now obtained his E badge. Ian (526), Luksz (527) and Mary (412) all obtained new Personal Bests at the tournament. Harry came 3rd in the Junior Gents Recurve class, whilst Archie came 1st in the Junior Gents Barebow class. Well done everyone.

Sunday 8th November 2015

Most of us shot a Portsmouth today to get ready for our own Portsmouth Competition, but Martin shot a Bray today and managed 252 only 6 points off a C score, that is really good. Well done to Louise for shooting a Double Portsmouth club record at the Aim4Sport Portsmouth competition with a combined score of 1,041. Archie has earned his F badge, whilst Steve has been awarded his E badge. Well done everyone.

Sunday 25th October 2015

A fast shoot today with 12 people shooting, those that scored just managed to fit in a Portsmouth round before the AGM at 11am. Well done to Harry for shooting a Portsmouth PB at Aim4Sport with a score of 512. Trevor and Daniel managed to scrape their first D badge scores today with scores of 506 and 505 respectively. Whilst Wojtek has one more D classification score to go to get his D badge.