Author Archives: Ely Archers

Wednesday 26th August 2015

Back at the desk again here, sorry for the gap. Some good shooting during the last period. Congratulations to Karl Prince and Maggie Johnson, who have both attained or re-attained their First Class Outdoor Archer Classifications. ( You’ll have to wait for me to buy your badge Karl, Maggie already has hers.) Congratulations also to Wojtek Pawlicki who has achieved Second Class Outdoor Archer with his recurve. The Clout Event was a great success and much enjoyed. I’m sure this will become a regular feature of the outdoor seasons, thanks Dave.

Friday 7th August 2015

Wednesday was wet, but Friday was a pleasant evening. Archie Law shot an excellent barebow Junior Warwick, a record if I have guessed his age right ( help please ) Martin shot a 1st class Long National and I shot a rubbish Warwick ! We all took part in arrow hunting, not sure who won that event !

Sunday 2nd August 2015

Lots of you on Fire today !!! Dennis Williams and Martin Ley both beat the existing records for New National with compound and recurve respectively. [ I guess Mike Thorley will be trying to regain the recurve one !] Louise Tapp set a new record for recurve Windsor, whilst Harry Tapp set a new record for U14 gentleman Junior Western. Even I beat my own Warwick record with American Flatbow and wooden arrows ! Maggie Johnson shot a First Class National score with her barebow, whilst Ian Chapman and Wojtek Pawliki both improved their handicaps. Well done everyone ! It goes to show what a little Sunshine and gentle breezes do to help.

Thursday 23rd July 2015

Catching up again ! Quite a few scores to enter over the last few sessions at the Amherst Field. Congratulations to Martin Ley for achieving FIRST CLASS recurve archer classification with his recurve bow. Of current archers, only Mike Thorley has also achieved this with recurve. Congratulations also to Ronnie Nielson, who beat her own compound record for the Warwick and improved the club record.

Friday 10th July 2015

Mixed weather for recent sessions, but this evening was lovely. It’s nice to see new faces on the field, I’ve recently been introduced to Lara and also Steve Freear, I hope you both enjoy your archery with us. The Tapp family spent last weekend at Lilleshall, where the Junior Nationals were held and Harry shot two rounds. It is apparently a lovely place and a really exciting event to shoot at. Back in Fenland Ely Archers are working hard and as a result: Martin Ley shot a new record for the National with his recurve bow, beating his previous one. Karl Prince has achieved his Second Class Outdoor Archer Badge with recurve bow. Ian Chapman has achieved his Third Class Outdoor Archer Badge with recurve bow. Well done everyone, don’t forget to ask our coaches if you need a little help to improve. I am away for the next three Sundays, at the Jolly Archers Open Western on the 26th, so I may see some of you on the weekdays. Enjoy your archery, especially the successes.