Author Archives: Ely Archers

Sunday 19th April 2015

Nearly 20 of us shooting on Sunday, the rain and the wind kept away, so we all had a good time, as long as you were wearing thermals ! After a few outdoor sessions trying to establish sightmarks etc. This Sunday saw several scoresheets submitted for the National Rounds and a couple for Warwicks too. Ronnie and Paul shot their way to new Club Records with their compounds, well done ! Trevor brought a tin of tarts which he had home-baked, delicious, many thanks Trev. David took on the field captain task for us, thanks David. I have updated the records section of the website to add this 2015 Outdoor Season and off we go ! See you at the butts, Rob.

Sunday 22nd March 2015

First Saturday 21st when several of our archers went to compete in the Fenland Portsmouth Tournament. Five shot personal bests, which is great in competition conditions. Harry won the Junior Gentlemen’s event too ! Well done everyone. The results are now on our records website. On Sunday we tested our system for a Knockout Tournament, which worked well I think. We had lots of laughs, plenty of tension, some exciting shoot offs, Wojtek won his with a superb shot ! Overall Mike Thorley won this test in a 1 arrow shoot off with Martin. So, the Club’s End of Indoor Season Knockout will take place next Sunday

Sunday 15th March 2015

The last round of the Postal Portsmouth and you shot a record, best 3 score, well done Martin Ley, Mike Thorley and Eric Godber, plus all the others who challenged and pushed you on. Lukasz has now earned his Indoor F Badge and Ronnie Nielson has beaten her own Portsmouth Triple face record. Well done both of you ! See you on Friday Night

Sunday 8th March 2015

A relaxed Portsmouth today, but not really so relaxed, lots of good scores going in, new PBs etc. Trevor brought in some delicious buns too, we just need a coffee machine ! Two Badges attained, Wojtek E in recurve and Ewan G in barebow. Daniel has reached E in recurve, but is racing up, so we wait to see if he score more Ds. The same with Lukasz, now G, but chasing F. I’m sure they’ll all soon be there ! I was pleased to see another American Flatbow appear in the hands of Maggie today, wooden arrows too. Maggie and I are setting new starting records with our AFBs, 1 to Maggie and 3 to me so far. There’s lots of interest in our AFBs, so I’m sure there will be hot competition soon. Talking of competition: Harry Tapp shot a PB and new Club Record with a 478 recurve Portsmouth at West Essex Bowmen’s Graham Sibley Open on Saturday 7th, coming 3rd out of 10. Great Stuff Harry. Next Sunday is the last Postal Portsmouth, let’s hope for some scores like today’s !

Sunday 1st March 2015

A really good turnout again Trevor had even brought in iced buns he had made especially. Wowzer ! Thanks to Margaret for being our Field Captain, nice to see our trainee coaches in action. We shot the Worcester Round again, but nearly everyone had lost their edge and scored a little less than last week. Last week Eric shot one all 5s end, the only one from recurves and Nigel managed to shoot 54321 three times ! We think this is a new club record. No-one beat those this Sunday. Wojtek and Daniel have both earned their Indoor F grade, but both have 2 E grade scores, so I’m holding out for their third grade Es for their first badges ! So mean ! But I’m told that is the correct way. Next Sunday is a relaxed Portsmouth and Sunday 15th is the Postal Portsmouth I will not be there, but the special score sheets are in the box. This part of the website has been running for a year now, so Happy Birthday Records Section !