Author Archives: Ely Archers

Sunday 22nd February 2015

Twenty Three archers shooting today, most of us shooting a Worcester Round. A nice challenge, quite quick to shoot too. We bought special 5 face targets for our Compound archers. Lots of success today: Mike Thorley broke his Worcester recurve record from last year. Mike Hausler and Ronnie Neilson set new Club Records for the new Worcester Five Face. Bart (Bartolemiej), has achieved his Indoor G badge. Voytek (Wojtek) is raising his game so fast I’m holding onto his E badge until he shoots his third E score, very soon I think ! Ian Chapman has achieved his Indoor D badge. Next Sunday we shall shoot the Worcester again, so there’s a chance to contest those records and to get those next scores in. Well Done, one and all ! It was a very pleasant morning.

Sunday 15th February 2015

Two weeks of archery records to catch up with ! So, 3 hours later ! ) :- Twenty Archers on the line this morning, excellent ! We shot the Postal Portsmouth, our team of the top 3 archers scored: Mike Thorley 526, Martin Ley 518, Eric Godber 509, well done chaps ! Some achievements in Classifications: Bartolemiej = H, but already has 2 Gs, so we’ll hold on for that ! Wojtek = G, but already has an E, so we’ll wait for a couple more ! Jason and Joshua achieve their Fs and Douglas also reaches F , but Barebow, extra credit ! Well done everyone, for the next 2 Sundays we will shoot the Worcester Round, a nice change and a chance to create records perhaps !

Sunday 8th February 2015

The Jolly Archers held a Portsmouth Tournament at St Ives, Harry Tapp and myself both had a go. Harry was back on form and shot a personal best and new club record of 462, earning himself an Ely Archers’ Indoor Classification E badge in the process ! Well done Harry. Meanwhile I failed to be last, scoring better than 8 other people, who have probably all shot themselves by now to avoid the shame ! It was as well organised and hospitable as ever. Meanwhile, back at King’s Ely:-

Sunday 1st February 2015

A relaxed Portsmouth today and 15 archers on the line. Trevor was very chuffed, having smashed his personal best. Four new members submitted their first scoresheets, Daniel, Wojtek, Lukasz and Batolemeij, you are also off on the personal best chase now chaps ! Harry shot a new personal best and thus a new Club Record for Gentleman U12 Portsmouth, well done Harry. Next Friday is normal and next Sunday a normal, relaxed Portsmouth again.

Sunday 25th January 2015

Our second attempt at the Vegas Round, with mixed success. Den suffered a moment’s distraction and let his release go, smashing his arrow rest, bad luck Den. Mike Williamson had to stop part way due to a DIY injury, which left the way open for Martin Ley to beat Mike’s record with a score of 469, well done Martin. Several Portsmouths were shot as well and Joshua Chapman beat his existing Club Record for U16 with a score of 372. Our thanks to Maggie for being Field Captain for the day. Several mathematical errors on the scoresheets this week, so don’t be surprised by differences between your reckoning and the double checked results. That’s the Vegas for this year I think, we’ll have 3 weeks of Portsmouths and then the Worcester.