Author Archives: Ely Archers

Sunday 18th January 2015

Today we shot a Vegas Round, with its interesting triple face target and 30 arrows at top target and 30 at the lower. It made a nice change for some of us and we shall do it again next week. Twenty archers shooting today and lots of scores recorded. Club records broken or set by Ronnie Neilson and Mike Williamson for Vegas and by Joshua Chapman for Portsmouth.

Sunday 11th January 2015

We shot the Postal League Portsmouth today, our best 3 scores were Martin Ley 531, Rob Edson 499 and Nigel Tapp 488, totalling 1518, which may not be a winning score, despite Martins personal best ! We had a good turnout, 5 compounds shooting, lots of recurves for part of the session. At least 1 new member and good to see Francis shooting his barebow again. Harry Tapp beat his own Portsmouth Club Record again, well done Harry ! On the next 2 Sundays we shall shoot the Vegas round, you will need to have at least 3 arrows marked with your initials and a number, say from 1 to 3, and beyond for spares. The Vegas target has 3 small faces, numbers 1 to 3, and you have to shoot your first arrow at No.1, second at No.2 etc. It all makes it more interesting and a chance at different records. See you there I hope.

Sunday 4th January 2015

2015 is starting nicely: We won our second, Postal, Portsmouth Tournament, the next is Sunday 11th January, see you there ! Personal success to: Harry Tapp, now Indoor Class F Trevor Bellamy, now Indoor Class E Paul Newton and Ronnie Neilson, both now Indoor Class D Ronnie also beat her own club record for Portsmouth Triple Face Compound. Congratulations everyone !

Sunday December 14th 2014

Lots of activity since I last updated the news: Indoor Achievement Badges Earned: Ronnie, Paul and Nigel have all earned their E Grade Badges, well done ! Record Broken: Joshua beat his own record for U16 Portsmouth with a score of 301, well done Joshua. Indoor Badge Levels re-attained: Mike Thorley re-attained his D grade and Maggie achieved E Barebow, so struggle on everyone for the next level Eh? That elusive C Postal Tournament December Shoot: Our shoot was on the 7th and our best three scores, forming this month’s team were: Mike Thorley 525, Martin Ley 523 and Mike Williamson 508, making a total of 1556, a great improvement on last month’s 1504. Well done chaps, now we await our opponents’s score. They are Monklands Archery Club. Fingers crossed everyone ! Ely Archers’ Christmas Fun Shoot: Sunday the 14th saw many of us at King’s Ely to enjoy some mid-winter madness: Mince Pies, Candy Canes, Chocolate Coins to win or feast upon. First Event the Darts match 301 down: It was good fun and I’ve no doubt the targets will be out again ! The Winner: Mike Williamson Second: Eric Godber Second Event a Collation of Christmas targets shot at with Jelly Bows . It was good fun, very hard to hit any target. The Winner : Sam with a fantastic score of 16 Second: Steve with a score of 14 Equal third: Mike W and Rob with 10 points each. Our thanks to all who made this fun event happen, including Paula, Eric & Dave especially. Right, Christmas here we come !

Sunday 16th November 2014

Saturday saw lots of us making the Portsmouth Tournament at Littleport succeed. Several of us shot there, the results are to come. Today, the 16th, the survivors returned equipment to King’s Ely and we shot the first WA 18 of the season what little targets ! Two new records were set: Ronnie Neilson set a Portsmouth Triple face standard to aim for with her compound and Joshua Chapman set a new starter record for the U16 WA 18. Indoor badges were also attained: Joshua Chapman: Ely Archers Indoor Badge G Ian Chapman: Ely Archers Indoor Badge E Tim Law: Ely Archers Indoor Badge F Well done all you archers !