Author Archives: Ely Archers

Wins at Peacock Archers WA18

On Sunday 29th January 2023 several Ely Archers members made the journey to Bottisham to take part in the annual Peacock Archers WA 18 competition.

Paul (R), Mel (R), Pete (BB), Luc (R) and Chris (BB) attended the shoot. In the end Ely Archers came away with 2 medals:

2nd Mens Recurve – Paul (540)
3rd Mens Barebow – Pete (471)

I understand Paul and Luc also did rather well in the raffle!

Peacock WA18 2023 Results

Paul collecting his award

Paul collecting his award

Petes Target Face

Pete’s Target Face

Ely Archers Win 2nd Team Frostbite

Grey Goose Archers hosted the second 2022/23 team frostbite of the year. Freezing fog and frozen ground but with full sun and no wind. Perfect conditions really.

Unfortunately only Grey Goose and Ely Archers could put teams together. Ely Archers actually took more people than we required with Julian (BB), Alex (R), Simon G (R), Daniel (C) Mel (C), Mike W (R) and Pete (BB) shooting.

A great fun afternoon with homemade cake and scones with cream and jam together with tea and coffee.

In the end Ely Archers came through with the win and brought the mini cup home.

Thanks to Grey Goose for hosting.

Portsmouth 2022 Results

Thank you to everyone who attended our 13th annual Portsmouth competition on Saturday 19th November 2022. 19 members of the club shot on the day, and it was great to see a lot of Ely Archers shooting shirts on the line in the first session.

In the end you all raised £210 for the East Anglian Children’s Hospice (EACH) from the sale of the raffle tickets. Thanks to those who looked after the raffle and cake table during the day and of course all of you who supplied raffle prizes.

Thank you to all the club member volunteers who helped set up the sports hall the night before. Thank you to those who then took the targets and stands back again on the Saturday evening and all those who helped on the day, we couldn’t do it without you.

Now for some results, and there were lots of medals for Ely Archers:

Single round results:

Junior Gents Barebow Winner – Julian Moynihan
Gents Recurve Winner – Paul Beck
Ladies Barebow 2nd Place – Alison Pritchard
Gents Compound 2nd Place – Jordan Richards
Ladies Recurve 2nd Place – Louise Tapp

Double round results:

Gents Recurve Winner – Paul Beck
Gents Barebow 2nd Place – Peter Lens
Ladies Barebow 2nd Place – Alison Pritchard
Gents Compound 2nd Place – Jordan Richards
Ladies Recurve 2nd Place – Louise Tapp

Team recurve results:

Ely Archers Winning Team – Paul Beck, Louise Tapp and Harry Tapp

The full results can be found here:

CAA End of Season Handicap Shoot 2022

Alex and Jordan attended the Cambridgeshire Archery Association (CAA) end of season handicap shoot on Sunday 2nd October 2022. The shoot was a free to attend shoot hosted by the City of Cambridge Bowmen. The round selected was a National archery round, with a choice of distances on offer from 80/60, 60/50, 50/40 and 30/20.

The weather for the afternoon was a light wind with Sun and the occasional cloud. Warm but not too hot.

The shoot was a handicap-adjusted shoot with separate categories for seniors and juniors, archers shot their round of choice and the results were handicap adjusted. Each archer had to present their current handicap rating to the tournament organiser before the shoot, which is supplied by your clubs records officer.

A handicap adjusted score of 1440 means you are shooting to your normal standard, above – you’re shooting better than normal, below and not as good as usual.

Jordan shot a 60/50 yard National and ranked 17th equal with a score of 582, the adjusted score was 1423.
Alex shot a 60/50 yard National and ranked 33rd with a score of 373, the adjusted score was 1377.

In the end 39 archers from the county attended from a number of different archery clubs and it was a really good shoot. It’s well organised, free, and worth attending in the future if you want experience of a local friendly shoot – it will hopefully be back again next year!

CAA End of Season Handicap Shoot 2022 Results

CAA EOS 2022

Clophill World Archery Autumn Shoot 2022

Paul and Daniel attended the Clophill Autumn shoot weekend on Saturday 24th September 2022. The two day shoot is one of the last World Archery shoots of the outdoor season. Great if you are looking to improve your 50m, 60m or 70m scores or gain a few extra national ranking points. There are no medals at this shoot.

A popular shoot with Team GB archers, with the Clophill club hidden behind a village hall and allotment area with trees all the way round. The field also has something like a 10% incline, which can take a while to get used to. This means your sight marks may need to change a little, did I mention the gravel shooting line? Clophill don’t allow tents as they have lots of very large gazebo’s at the back of the field with a number of picnic A frame tables to sit at.

It was a chilly start, with the shooting line and waiting area all in the shade until the start of the second session. The day otherwise was bright and sunny with variable wind.

Daniel didn’t manage to gain any extra ranking points over the two sessions with scores of 461 and 469. Paul was looking for around a 600 score, and finished with a 568, and 575.

It is a nice venue and a good shoot, they are held early in the outdoor season in April and at the end of the season in September if you are interested. Clophill is about 70 minutes from Ely. Sometimes it’s just really nice to go to a club and shoot and go home without having to wait around for the raffle and a medal ceremony.

Saturday results
Sunday results

Clophill Autumn Shoot