Author Archives: Ely Archers

Wednesday 25th June 2014

A lovely evening with quite a few archers enjoying the butts. Neil suffered a compound techno-tragedy, which was a pity, bad luck Neil. David spent ages building a bow up for a new member, who shall be nameless until I find out who this mystery woman is ! Balloons were popped, certificates for new records awarded to David, Roy and Rob. Martin Ley shot a Junior Warwick, scoring 360 and beating Nigel Tapp’s recent record. Now I know these don’t really count, as it’s Gentlemen shooting Junior Rounds, but it’s encouraging and we could place bets !! No doubt they’ll soon move up to a Short Warwick and be acting as real Gentlemen !

Sunday 22nd June 2014

Hot, Hot, Hot ! So many folks were elsewhere, but half a dozen of us were shooting in the Sun. Roy shot a 1st Class St George, despite a couple of problems in the last end or two. Harry and Nigel shot a Short Junior Warwick and Nigel won this time. I shot a Windsor with my flatbow, 3rd class as barebow ( recorded) or 2nd class as a longbow for interest and a first record for a BB Windsor, soon to be smashed I reckon ! But I have managed 3rd Class Outdoor Barebow, Yeh ! Eric and David shot too, but were eventually driven off by the heat and technical problems. All reports updated today and the scoresheet box replenished at the field. See you on Wednesday maybe ? Rob

Sunday 15th June 2014

Well, you’ve been busy during my holiday ! I have just entered 13 scoresheets and there are 7 improved or new records ! Dennis improved the records for Compound bow in the Long Warwick and American, plus setting a new record for the Albion. David improved on Jurgen’s record for the Long National Barebow. Nigel Tapp set a new Gentleman’s R/C record for the Junior Warwick. Roy improved the record for the Long National and set a new record for the R/C Albion. Well done all you Archers ! Some Archers have attained or re-attained their Outdoor Cassifications, watch this space though as some will very soon be regraded as 1st Class!: Roy 1st Class in Recurve Mike Thorley and Rob 2nd Class in Recurve David 2nd Class in Barebow Dennis 2nd Class in Compound We all owe a vote of thanks to Steve Johnson who was valiantly overhauling outdoor boss stands as we enjoyed ourselves shooting today. Thanks Steve ! That’s all for today, all reports are updated and online Rob

Sunday 20th April 2014

The weather forecast was pessimistic, but we had fair weather for our shoot. Three new beginners were being coached and Martin was settling in with his new bow. Mike Williamson shot into second class again on our Warwick, Justin shot into second class too and was seriously chuffed. I shot a personal best and was amazed to find myself Gents Recurve Record holder by 1 Gold over Roy Lockwood !!! We hope you enjoyed your Easter weekend too.