Author Archives: Ely Archers

Sunday 23rd March 2014

Today we shot a Bray 1, 30 arrows at the small (40 cm ) target. Nice and easy after yesterday’s Tournament at Fenland Archers, Whittlesey, for which the results are to come soon. Francis shot a barebow Portsmouth today and scored really well, whilst Lyndsey started making friends with her brand new bow. Next Sunday is the last Indoor Target Day of the season. It is hoped to run a Worcester round, all the targets and score sheets on clipboards are there in the net box. I shall be away on Friday and Sunday, so have a good shoot, get that last, all important score in. Make sure someone is getting the scores to me somehow and I’ll see who shall be awarded badges for Classification achievements and Certificates for the Club Record Breakers.

Sunday March 16th 2014

Andre Benstead kindly performed the Field Captain role for us as others were taking a Coaching Course today. We shot a Portsmouth. Unfortunately Mark Webb found his recurve had a severely cracked part so retired hurt. Mike Williamson also retired hurt as his arrows were misbehaving. Lyndsey entered her third score so now has a handicap and a Special Ely Archers Barebow Classification of F, well done Lyndsey. I managed a personal best and one of the youngsters scored a round and carefully took the form home, I’ll get it eventually. It was a pleasant shoot and Andre (Andy) helped with some individual coaching.

Sunday March 9th 2014

We shot a Portsmouth again with 14 archers at most, 5 scores recorded. Cliff recorded his first score and Lyndsey shot a personal best ! Maggie was distracted by Target Captain duties and Mike W and I enjoyed a solid score each. Hopefully everyone enjoyed their session, out of that Hot SUN !!