Author Archives: Ely Archers

Wet and Windy Annual Frostbite 2022

On Saturday 8th January 2022 we held our annual Frostbite shoot. It was probably the worst day we could have picked weather wise. The wind and rain was in our faces and the paper scoresheets soon turned to paper mache – even our biro’s stopped working.

I think all our archery gear required a good evening of drying out before shooting at club the next day. Here are the results:




Jolly Archers Western Wins

Several of Team Ely attended the Jolly Archers Western competition on Sunday 19th September 2021. Louise, Paul and Mel shot recurve, whilst Jordan shot compound and Daniel shot barebow. All of them shot the standard Western round of 60 yards and 50 yards. Many of the local clubs were in attendance with all types of bows on display.

The weather was good, hardly any wind with just some rain after we first started which lasted about 15 minutes.

Overall Team Ely won 3 first places:

1st Place Ladies Recurve:              Louise (704)

1st Place Men’s Recurve:              Mel (794)

1st Place Men’s Barebow:            Daniel (594)

The full list of results from the Jolly Archers Western 2021 shoot can be found here:

Jolly Archers Western 2021

Jolly Archers Western 2021

Outdoor Handicap Club Shoot Results 2021

On Sunday 5th September 2021 we held our annual handicap National round shoot. It was a really good turn out this year with a great feel of a real competition, even the weather was really kind.

1st Place: Rob Edson
2nd Place: Louise Tapp
3rd= Place: Matt and Zac Williams-Gray

Well done to Rob for winning, Louise for shooting really strong after coming back to the club after injury and it was really good to see Matt and Zac (father and son) team shooting the same handicap together.

Afterwards we had a picnic with some frisbee whilst Rob was awarded the Ely Archers National Handicap trophy for 2021 which he gets to keep for 12 months.

Archer Round Score Handicap adjusted score
Rob Edson National 290 1509
Louise Tap National 526 1475
Matt Junior National 448 1460
Zac Junior National 460 1460
Mike Grossman Short Junior National 534 1453
Tamir Moynihan Junior National 486 1452
Andy Dye Short National 520 1438
Jordan National 576 1437
Mike National 450 1431
Richard Brasher National 413 1417
Julian Moynihan Junior National 369 1408
Alex Johnstone Short National 453 1407
Paul Beck National 566 1407
Peter Lens National 456 1396
Daniel Coe National 449 1389
Ian Forrest Short National 389 1387
Malcolm Basing Junior National 489 1378
Steven Short National 421 1375
Bart Short Junior National 333 1279
Alison Pritchard Junior National 385 1244

If your handicap adjusted score was 1440 then you shot to your normal standards, anything below that and you normally shoot better anything above that and you brought your ‘A’ game and shot really well.

Club Members receive Folders and Clinibands

Current club members of Ely Archers are to receive their own A4 club folders and zip bags as well as a cliniband in order to practice their archery drills and skills at home.

Ely Archers applied to the Archery GB Club Recovery Fund grant scheme in 2020 which was providing funds for archery clubs to support their re-opening and current members as well as attract new members via beginners classes. Ely Archers came up with a plan to cover both of these aspects within the remit of the grant scheme.

Ely Archers asked for some of the grant money to go towards supplying their current members with club A4 folders containing lots of archery and club information as well as details on the official Archery GB warm up routines. Together with this 40m of Cliniband was purchased, so that each member could have their own cliniband at home for stretching and for practicing their archery drills.

Archery GB covered 75% of the costs of the items, with the club needing to supply the other 25%. But in the end the club did not need to as the Cambridgeshire Archery Association (CAA) came to the rescue and offered to support the club and provide the extra 25% required.

“It’s great to know that if we ever end up back in lockdown or our shooting is restricted in some way our archers can still use the clinibands at home. Plus they now have a club folder in which to keep all their club information. This would not have been possible without the help of Archery GB and the CAA” commented Daniel Coe, Chair of Ely Archers.

Ely Archers Folders and Clinibands

Welcome Back to Archery

We are pleased to let you know that following the guidance from ArcheryGB and the government, we are able to start shooting outside from 29th March. We are thankful to The King’s School who have confirmed we have permission and access to use the Amherst field.

The first available weekend for us is the Easter weekend, and as this is also the scheduled date for the Ely Boat Race, the first shooting session planned is instead going to be Saturday 3rd April from 09:30am.

A summary of the guidance from AGB can be found here:

Each archery session is planned to be run with the same format as last year; by asking members to book slots through the website. Members will receive a separate email when booking becomes available. We’ll continue to review the guidance as the restrictions are lifted, and make any changes as they are needed.

Please feel free to reach out to any of the committee members if you have any concerns or questions. We will be happy to help.

We look forward to being able to see you all back out on the archery field at some point very soon!