Tag Archives: hit n miss

Hit n Miss Competition

On the last indoor day of the 2023 season Ely Archers held their own Hit n Miss competition. Equal teams based on handicaps were picked from a hat. The teams then went straight into team shooting against the other team on the target. The winning team move left and the losing team move right. Each match consisted of 3 ends of 3 arrows.

After 6 matches we had a final with Robert Cox and Jordan Richards vs Simon Gamble and Colin Yaxley

The overall winners on the day (pictured) were Robert and Jordan.

Hit n Miss Shooting Matches

Hit n Miss Shooting Matches

Hit n Miss Final

Hit n Miss Final

Hit n Miss Winners 2023

Hit n Miss Winners 2023

Beiter Hit n Miss Winners 2022 Crowned

On Sunday 27th March 2022 we held our final indoor shoot with a round of Beiter Hit n Miss targets. We began by drawing teams of 2 from a hat and then shot 30 arrows in a qualifying round (no sighters) and then ranked the teams ready for the sets of matches. Overall 4 matches were shot which decided the 4 teams that would shoot in the final matches.

Final Results

  1. Mel and Daniel
  2. Rob and Steven
  3. Ian and Jordan

Mel produced a rather nice fake cheque at home. Here it is presented to Mel and Daniel.

Hit n Miss Winners 2022

Hit n Miss 2022 Scoring

Hit n Miss 2022 Scoring